April 9, 2007


Dear Lord, help me to spread thy fragrance everywhere I go.
Flood my soul with Thy Spirit and life.
Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of Thine.
Shine through me, and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Thy presence in my soul.
Let them look up and see no longer me but only Thee, O Lord!
Stay with me, and then I shall begin to shine as Thou shinest, so to shine as to be a light to others.
The light, O Lord, will be all from Thee, none of it will be mine;
It will be Thou, shining on others through me.
Let me praise Thee in the way Thou dost love best, by shining on those around me.
Let me preach Thee without preaching, not by words but by my example, by the catching force, the sympathetic influence of what I do, the evident fullness of the love my heart bears to thee.
~ Cardinal John Henry Newman

In addition to my job hunt which is well underway, I am also trying to use this month at home to start going through my room at my parents. I don't know for SURE what I am doing next year, but I do know that I most likely will not be living at my parents any more. I had this tacked up on my bulletin board with a couple of other prayers, and I had forgotten how much I loved this! It kind of echoes what I feel is the mindset I highlighted in my "Revolution of Love" post. I want to be open to whatever the Lord has in store for me and my future. He is my life-blood, my all. My existence means nothing without His, and I want to be the little tool, the little pencil that we uses in the world. I don't know whether or not He will use me for "big things" or "small things", but that's not the point. I want Him to use me for "His things", whatever that may be: His work in this world to further the existence of His Kingdom.

I am really excited for next year, and things are just starting to give me a glimpse of what life may be shaping up to be. This has been my time to really start in on my job hunt. I have 2 weeks left to really maximize on my free time before life speeds way up again. Next week I am going to Dinkytown to check out household life there, so I'm trying to make this week count for all that it's worth. I think I've got a list of about 32 openings for full-time teachers next year. I want to have my applications for all of them sent out by the end of the week, so I've got my work cut out for me! Plus, it's early for schools to be posting, so hopefully there's a lot more on the way. Keep me in your prayers!

Speaking of prayers for job hunts, here's a quick update on my Dad's situation. His round two, finalist interview was on Holy Thursday and it sounds like it went very well. We're hoping to hear within the next week or so. I appreciate all of the prayers more than you know, and I'll definitely keep y'all in the loop.

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