April 21, 2007

My Week

In my discernment process for what the Lord is calling me to next year, I have been considering many options. I feel that the Lord wants me to be teaching in a branch while living in household. One of the forerunners among those living situations is Dinkytown. So I have been checking out life there this past week. (Well, I'm still here.) :) It has been a great week! The head of the women's house that I am staying at has made me a schedule for each day... it's awesome.

Each member of the household spends an hour of their time each week doing missionary work (affectionately called "mishing") This involves walking up to people (strangers or not) and talking to them about the Lord, getting together with previous contacts, and other activities of this nature. So, I went with Jen and Cara to experience this first-hand for the first time on Thursday. Jen led the first charge and Cara the second. Unfortunately, neither one produced much of a connection. Then Jen turns to me and says, "Do you want to lead the next one?" (pause) "Umm... sure!" Our opening line which I really like was "Hi, (introductions). We are looking for women who are interested in building Christian community..." We ended up talking to two friends, Kristen and Veronica, who are both strong Christians. A few minutes into our conversation they said "Well, we're both graduating this spring." "Really? So am I! And you know the best thing about living our life in Christian community? We form friendships that last a lifetime. We've come from all over the country and committed to live our lives this way, together." Their comment could have been a conversation ender, but the Lord opened a door there. Jen was really direct and asked if they wanted to come over for dinner that night. They were busy, but then we invited them to Lord's Day... this is the best part. (Kristen:) "I think I could probably do that." (Veronica:) "Well, I think we should at least try it out." Praise God!!! We kept praying for them the rest of the week, and they both came to Lord's Day. Glory!!! We had some great conversations and I know they enjoyed themselves. The Lord really blessed all of us in that and it was a great first "mishing" experience. Hopefully they can come to a dinner here next week or something.

Our King's blessings are never ending. He gives us desires in our heart that we may not even be aware of! He showed me that twice this week... but those are stories for another time. You'll just have to ask me about it. :) After our Lord's Day meal tonight, we had a cd release party for J-T Kelly. It was great! The house was full of Division members, guests, and Action team members. I bet that there were at least 70 people there. What a joyous occasion! I've been thinking about Allendale a LOT this week and really miss it. The Lord has united my heart with that place and those people. Rejoicing in J-T's efforts was a great way to end the week... especially since he was my boss in Allendale. Ah, good times!

Other random highlights of the week: playing soccer on the mall, free Ben & Jerry's ice cream, running into a number of friends from UMM and Trinity, roof of the Physics building, having lots of time in prayer and reflection, doing chores, hearing talks from the PTI, reconnecting with friends from grade school, Morning Prayer at 6:30 am, beautiful weather, many long walks, job hunting, getting asked to schedule my first interview, the "happy meter log"... But by far the best part of this week was being able to spend real, quality time with these sisters and brothers. There were so many great talks about life. I was inclined to distinguish between "life in general" and "life in the People of Praise" but then I realized that for me, they are one and the same. That has become clear. Come, Father, move in power!

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