March 22, 2007

A Bribe

So, today was my second to last day in my classroom. Many of my student have been quite vocal about not wanting me to leave. One of my boys who is a bit of a trouble-maker came up to me this morning and said "Miss Coleman, why can't you stay? I want you to. If you stay, I promise I won't be bad any more. I'll be good!" Something like that just breaks my heart, how can it not?! (His behavior has actually improved drastically within my time here through meetings with his grandma (his legal guardian) to get all of us on the same page.) Tomorrow will be an interesting and emotionally-draining day, I am sure.

By the way, here's a story from Nightline that I just saw... interesting indeed.

1 comment:

Miss Mary Virginia said...

Interesting article Karen... One thing that stuck out for me was, "When I heard about the study, I already knew, in my spirit, that it was going to be proven that there was a part of our brain that we have no control [over]," she said, "that when the Holy Ghost is interceding for us we are out of control."

Being "out of control" is something I don't agree with, and probably what makes so many people fearful.